We understand that your pet is another valued member of your family, but please keep your pet at home.
All AYSO Region 6 participants agree and understand that NO PET shall be permitted at any AYSO activity or event regardless of venue or location. This policy includes but is not limited to practices, games, picture day, tournaments, etc. This Policy is consistent with those of neighboring Regions and is in keeping with the AYSO Insurance Policy. Properly registered service animals are generally exempt from this policy.
You, as the primary player and account registrant, are also responsible for any friends or family members visiting the fields.
AYSO Region 6 holds the permits for the Field of Dreams soccer fields during our designated days and times. During the use of this permit, we do not allow pets on the fields.
It is our goal to make your soccer season as safe as possible for you, your family, and even your pets. Thank you for keeping your beloved family pet at home.
Disclaimer: AYSO is obligated to observe and respect existing regulations and laws regarding the presence of service animals at our fields. Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as only dogs (or miniature horses) that have been trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as service animals.
Emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals under the ADA, the California Unruh Civil Rights Act nor the Disabled Persons Act.