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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 6 San Pedro

Volunteer to be a Coach

Coaching Requirement Details

All of our volunteers are required to participate in:
1. Background check (completed in the volunteer registration)
2. Live Scan finger printing through an AYSO event or approved site. You can complete this by visiting this website: AYSO Live Scan
3. Log onto your account at and take online trainings on AYSOU for the following:
    Under "Training Library" > Safe Haven
    - Safe Haven
    - CDC Concussion Safety
    - Sudden Cardiac Arrest
    - Safe Sport (90 min course)
    Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate and locate the online trainings.
4. Division specific coaches online course as stated below:

Playground, Schoolyard, U6: Coaching Certification online only

U8 coach or assistant coach:
U8 Coaching Certification (online) [4 hours]
U8 Official Course (online) [4 hours] 

U10 coach or assistant coach:
U10 Coaching Certification (online) plus Field Training (classroom) [4 hours]
Regional Referee course (online) and field training (classroom) [8 hours] 
It is recommended that you take the online U8 Coaching Certification.

U12 coach or assistant coach:
U12 Coaching Certification (online) plus Field Training (classroom) [8 hours]
Regional Referee course (online) and field training (classroom) [8 hours]
It is recommended that you take a minimum of the online portion of the U10 Coaching Certification.

U14 & U16 coach or assistant coach:
The U12 Coach course is a prerequisite to coach in the Upper Divisions (U14 & above).

You can also check the calendar on the AYSOU portal for training  dates and locations available at any given time. 

For question about coaching and coaching certifications, please reach out to our Coach Administrator at [email protected]

Coaches and Assistant Coaches

Coaching children is a very rewarding experience. And coaching your own child's team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all! Coaches are pivotal to having children get the AYSO experience. If Regions don't have enough coaches, registration is scaled back and kids who want to play in AYSO are turned away.

Do you have little or no experience with soccer? No problem! AYSO will teach you, based on the age level you are coaching. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.
Check that box on the player registration form to become a coach today!
Contact our Coach Administrator, Adam Hernandez at [email protected] for more information.

Become a Coach, Skip the Waitlist

If your player is on a waitlist for their division, and if we need Head Coaches in that division, then submit your Head Coach application (log into account and go to the volunteer tab to submit). After you register for a Head Coach position, send an email to the Coach Administrator, Adam Hernandez at [email protected].

Zero Tolerance Policy

Our “Zero Tolerance Policy” applies to all referees (not just Youth Referees).

AYSO Region 6 recognizes the hard work and dedication that all of our volunteer parent (and “community”) referees put forth and want to keep them contributing to the region as long as we can. They have volunteered–one of the key components of AYSO–to take on a challenging task and try their best to officiate to the best of their ability. Remember, they are all just regular parents and members of the community (like you) trying to do their best. Sure they will make mistakes, they are only human. Let’s try to keep that in mind as the coaches “coach” and the parents “cheer” our Kids from the touchlines!

Referee Zero Tolerance Policy

Region 6 AYSO has a  “Zero Tolerance Policy”  for ALL referees in order to preserve and protect them.

All individuals responsible for a team (Coaches and Team Managers) and all spectators (parents, friends, siblings, relatives)  shall support the referee and respect his/her decisions. Failure to do so will undermine the referee’s authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.

Consequently, Region 6 AYSO has adopted and modified the following rules:

  1. No one is to speak to the referee in an aggressive, demeaning, sarcastic or abusive manner before, during or after the game.  Coaches may ask questions, politely, before and after the game, point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed during the game.
  2. Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game. NO YELLING at the referee–EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, or intimidation of any kind before, during or after the game. If the Coach wishes to get an explanation for a particular call he/she must wait until halftime or after the match is finished to approach the referee in a calm and controlled manner, but it is not the Referee’s responsibility to defend or justify their calls.  All decisions are made “in the opinion of the referee” (ITOOTR) and to the best of their ability.  In accordance of Law 5 of The Laws of the Game, “The decisions of the referee, and all other match officials, must always be respected.”
  3. Violators may be ejected and are subject to disciplinary action by the Region 6 AYSO Board of Directors.
  4. If coaches or spectators have questions or complaints regarding particular calls, rules, or a specific referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please feel free to contact the Regional Referee Administrator, or the Regional Commissioner.

Enforcing the Referee Zero Tolerance Policy

  1. If a coach (or spectator) questions the call of a referee in a manner deemed inappropriate/irresponsible, the referee may stop the match, retrieve the game ball, and invite the coach onto the field for a conversation.
  2. During this conversation the coach may be told 3 things:
    • The purpose of the conversation is not to “debate” a call but to inform the coach that the behavior of the coach/spectator is unacceptable.
    • The coach has 2 choices. He/she can go back to their coaching area and coach per the AYSO philosophies, or, the coach/spectator can leave the playing facility.
    • The coach/spectator may be sent off if the referee has to speak to them again during the match.
  3. If the referee is a Youth Referee, the Youth Referee may stop the match, retrieve the game ball, and either deal with the matter on his or her own as described above, or, find a board member (if available) to deal with the situation as described above.
  4. Any coach/spectator who is heard “verbally abusing a referee” may automatically be sent off by the referee or by a board member (if present). “Verbal abuse” includes, but is not limited to, foul and abusive language.  As with all decisions made by the referee, what constitutes “verbal abuse” is entirely “in the opinion of the referee” (ITOOTR).
  5. If the unacceptable behavior of the coach/spectator occurs after the game has ended it will still be reported by the referee and will be considered as a cause for disciplinary action.
  6. Referees must submit a written or verbal report of any occurrences where a coach/spectator is sent off/ejected, and there will be an investigation to determine the facts and subsequent additional penalties if necessary. The penalties are at the discretion of the Region Board of Directors and may include, but are not limited to, suspension from future games.
  7. The Region Board of Directors also reserves the right to investigate instances when abuse of a referee or volunteer is not reported by the referee or volunteer, but is subsequently brought to the Board’s attention by any individual. The penalties are at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner and may include, but are not limited to, suspension from future games.


Coaching Resources

Coach Adam's favorite sites for drills and practice session tips:

First Touch Soccer Curriculum 

Benefits of Coaching

As a head coach, not only are you allowing more children to play, you also get to:
  • Choose the day and time of practice
  • Choose the uniform color/style (must attend Coaches meeting) 
  • Choose your assistant coach (who may be the parent/guardian of your child's best friend) (only available in U6, U8 & U10 divisions)
  • Choose the team name (from the approved list of team names)
  • Coach more than one team and your games will be scheduled so there are no conflicts (we do our best)
No experience is necessary and all training is provided. Learn what others find to be such a rewarding experience.

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 6

PO BOX 6637 
San Pedro, California 90734

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 866-890-9989
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